Road Trip Day 2 - Switzerland and Germany
Driving in Switzerland...
Since Switzerland is a very expensive country we decided to fill up gas in Austria before crossing the border and then not to go on the high ways but on the smaller ways, since it's apparently about 60 euro to go on the high way even once in Switzerland, crazy! But our navi found us nice roads instead and it was just much better and nicer to see the nature! Switzerland was also very beautiful, but I think that Austria still beats it! ;-)
I had always imagined Zürich to be kinda a big city with tall buildings, maybe because I'm thinking of the banks there I don't know, but anyway it was not. Zürich is a very small city with small cute houses. So nice! Unfortunately very expensive, or at least we think so, we never quite looked up the exchange rate between euro and swiss franc... :-)
With a view over Zürich!
Then the day ended in a very small town (or Austrian: "Kaff") in southern Germany. We're staying at a very nice Gasthaus called Dinklerberger Hof that I can totally recommend! The bathroom is shared but the rooms are big and nice and they serve awesome food here! I had the most amazing meat, that I unfortunately couldn't even finish because it was too much. So afterwards we had to go for a walk in the "Kaff", which was nice. It's beautiful here... And feels a bit, or a lot, like Orust. They have a lot of cows, big fields and an interesting cow smell. Just like home. ;-)
I also introduced Anna to this amazing "french teacher" Michel Thomas that I found through a friend. I've downloaded his French course and only after listening a little bit I feel like I can talk better than before. He's truly amazing and has his totally own way of teaching, comparing French to English and showing you how much you actually really know. So well if you wanna learn French Michel Thomas is your guy! ;-) Thank's YouJung for the recommendation!
Ni ser ut att ha det hur fint som helst!!