First Day at School

I just got back after a long and intensive day so I'll just do a quick post about what's happening here in France... And well firstly I wanna say that so far I love this country! The people, the food, the beauty - well so far pretty much everything... :-) So well I can say my love for Spain has got some competition! ;-)

Since we arrived yesterday so much has happened so I'll just write it down shortly like this:
  • We met our friend Pierre and he showed us his home (where we're also gonna live from Friday) and the city.
  • Checked in at the hostel where we stay until Pierre's parents go on vacation. (The internet is not very fast; therefore no photos.)
  • We had awesome food and great wine at the cute square.
  • I went for a morning walk and got a little lost.
  • Today we started the day by doing a oral French test to decide our level; I wasn't able to speak so much but I think I got in just the perfect group for my level!
  • My group consists of three guys from Oman, one woman from USA, one girl from Ireland and one girls from Taiwan. Everyone is very nice! :-)
  • During the breaks we made friends with nice people from Australia, Russia and Switzerland. Yey! :-)
  • We got a lot of homework and tasks to complete at home; this doesn't seem to be a vacation - but I guess that's good! ;-)
  • Tonight Pierre took us to eat crepes, so good! And when you eat crepes as a real French person you apparently drink cider from bowls (instead of glasses!) to go with it. Interesting... but very good! :-)
  • Finished the evening at the language café and I spoke only French for about 2 hours, so proud! I find that I can understand quite well when people speak nice and slow now, yey! Speaking is a little harder, but still manageble.
  • We met Pierres cute friend Mari, she was so nice! She had also been in Sweden to watch the Nordic Lights this year, interesting...
  • I do mix a lot of Spanish in my French. My teacher even asked multiple times about me having some Spanish blood in me... Haha... Well I wish I was partly Spanish but I guess nothing other than Swede in me...

So well that was a quick recap of the first day in Tours. Now I will go to sleep so that I can manage another long and tiering day tomorrow! Speaking and listening to a language you don't really speak makes you real tired...



A photo of my school that I found online, isn't it beautiful! Trés jolie! :-)


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